Every problem and every answer come from within. All beginning from a thought. See thoughts become beliefs, which turns into action and becomes reality. The power of thought is so over looked, so many people don't understand the power you hold from what you speak and think about.
I was reading a story I get from this newsletter and it was talking about "My Reputation with Me" and what one thinks of theirself. How we can believe what others have to say about us as the truth, especially when we were younger. It really had me thinking, because I remember dealing with that in intermediate school, being in a public school for the first time. From having 25 people in the whole grade to having 30 people in just one class was a huge shift for me. I guess you can say "trying to fit in" was what I was doing. Talking with different people and hearing different things, not knowing what to believe. At that age I cared what others perceived of me because I was just trying to make some friends. You hear some good and bad things, "You're this.." And "You are ______ " and I began to believe some of this as true.
As I grow, you start to see that they aren't so much talking about you, but more about theirself and their insecurities. You have to be able to know who you are as a person and know your worth. Really get to know yourself and be certain of it so that others opinions don't matter. It can be the littlest things like, "You're so forgetful." If you believe what they say as true, then you just gave them power over you. Choose who you want to be. Just decide and work towards that daily.
Believe in the truth, begin to see the positive aspects of yourself and the world around you. It all begins from within, what are you telling yourself? What do I see that makes me...ME?