What Have You Learned Today?

I remember being a kid and my parents used to always ask me after school, "What did you learn today?" And as I thought of that I wondered, why don't we still apply that to our lives today? 

What are you doing on a daily basis to learn? You're learning every day, can be good or bad. Are you watching the news and learning all the bad that's going on in the world or are you focusing on the positive?  Are you learning more about what you love, your passion? Are you becoming better at your skills? Did you fail today? Because when you fail, you learn from your mistakes and try again. You have to learn, you have to continue to stretch and grow. If you don't then you're complacent and that's one of the most deadliest things.

Everyday I try to learn something new about myself and this wonderful world we live in. I'm always reading, watching videos, listening to audio programs and just surrounding myself with things to help grow my mind. Once you control your mind and the way you think, you control you're life. Some may say I'm crazy for all that, but crazy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. 

Again that's why I've made this blog, to show you a little of what I'm learning on a day to day basis. Maybe just one of you read this and it makes that lightbulb go off. That's what I'm doing this for, to positively impact as many people as possible. For one day one to say, "Because of Trey..I never gave up." Or "Trey helped me believe in myself and believe that I can achieve everything I've dreamed of." 

So now I ask you, what have you learned today? 

It's a Livestyle. Choose to live it, you deserve it.  

My Back Already Hurts...(Meditation)

I've been told by many that I should try out meditation. From the many people I look up to and the studying I've done, I thought I'd give it a shot...again. I've tried mediation several times and actually felt great doing it but never stuck with it. Well I've decided to now, especially after listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about how he practiced transcendental meditation for years, make it a habit every morning to meditate for at least 10 minutes.

Gotta say it wasn't perfect, but it was progress. I just love the whole idea of meditation; complete relaxation and clearing your mind to just be one. Couple minutes in my back was getting tight from being in that Buddhist position, but having a cushion under you helps. The main thing was focusing on your breathing and at first your mind wanders, which is perfectly fine, but you just have to accept it and bring yourself back to focusing on your breathing. (I feel like I'm an expert trying to teach you, which I'm definitely not....yet!)

I just thought I'd share my story over my meditation this morning and maybe inspire you to take a deeper look at the practice. If you already meditate then I'd love to hear some pointers and how it's helped you!

It's definitely helped get my day started great! Now to a great meal and even better workout! 

Have a great day! Choose to live it up today, live in the moment and recognize all the things you have to be thankful for, because I feel like we all lose sight of that from time to time. 

Don't exist, live. 

Links & Extras

Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about meditation with Tim Ferriss. http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/02/02/arnold-schwarzenegger/


1: 400,000,000,000

You are alive here on this world and it wasn't just coincidence. You are meant to do everything you know you are capable of. The odds of you living with your DNA structure, your ideas, the family and friends around you and just breathing in life are one in 400 billion! All those thoughts running through your mind and the person you know you can become is all true. Go out and get what you deserve! Why wouldn't you!? The odds of you being on this earth are incredible and you owe it to yourself, your family and to the world to reach your full potential and leave a legacy. 

F--- YOU -- how to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins | TEDxSF

Like mentioned the Ted talk, imagine if your thoughts were on a speaker to the world. How would your thoughts sound to the world? What are you telling yourself on a daily basis? Do you even believe in yourself or believe you can achieve everything you've dreamed of? Take action on your dreams. As Les Brown always says, "You have greatness within you." Show the world who you really are, because we need more people like you. More people to stand up for what they believe in and wanting to make a difference.

Too many people are so caught up in life that they forget to see the direction they are moving in. We are all so caught up from school, work, hobbies and extra activities..you need to stop and reflect on what your doing. Would your future self would agree with what you're doing now? If not, what would you be telling yourself? You have to do something you aren't willing to do, to get something you've never gotten.  

Don't exist, live.