Hey, everybody. Today I'm going to be talking about something that was going on in my mind today, which was a headache because I was off of coffee.
Honestly, it's just because I've been lazy to go get some new coffee. but the thing is, I've done this a couple of times before, and I would get off of coffee, just, just, you know, kind of do it wean off of it because I do not understand that it is something that is addictive.
Right. But we all love it. And we all feel like we need it first thing in the morning. but anyway, my reasoning wasn't to get off of it, just to get off of it, it was really just because I wanted to,
But anyway, the reason why I bring it up is that I'm curious.
I mean, is it just me or, or does everybody else get headaches from getting this coffee?!
And this is actually something that I had the opportunity to ask. Andrew Salsbury, with Dr. Cheng, Ruan. I remember we were all kind of, meeting once and this was a question that actually Dr. Cheng Ruan had the opportunity to ask, Andrew Salisbury.
Andrew Salisbury's, CEO/ Co-Founder, of a company called Purity Coffee. And, I'll put the link in the show notes (treymartinez.com/podcast).
What's what was interesting about that is he was saying the reasoning for people putting, people, putting the correlation of having a headache with coffee is because of the toxins in coffee.
Andrew says that actually shouldn't be something that is the norm for people. So number one, I'm thinking I need to get his coffee again because it was delicious. and it was actually an opportunity I had to work with them for a little bit, which was awesome last year, but another thing, is, it just because it's their coffee or is it actually something further because, I do, I do know that that's happened to me before.
I'm trying to remember right now if that happened to me whenever, and if I did get it off of coffee, whenever I was using purity coffee, but anyway, I'll put that link in the show notes because what's super cool. Was he talked about, the, the power of coffee in general and all the acts, any oxidants and how, you know, science and, some of the, some of the doctors from, you know, decades ago, before we had all the research that we had now was talking about how coffee was bad, but that was kind of whenever copy was, you know, that's, whenever, I'm sorry, doctors were smoking cigarettes inside their office.
I mean, that's kind of when they made that point. So if we put it in a perspective like that, it's a little different. but the thing is it, it's just a question I'm curious about, to ask you all is if that's ever happened to you, because I'll tell you what it, it definitely affected my day. I actually, I had green tea instead, which was great, but it's a different energy than it is for coffee for me at least. so anyway, it's just something that I was curious about to see if that's, that's what you guys do, but I will say this when I do drink coffee, which is mostly out all the time that I ensure I make sure of it, that number one, my coffee is organic. I'm really big on that. And the reason why that helped change at all is what I learned from Andrew Salsbury and the team at purity coffee.
What's insane is that's, that's something that not a lot of people think about is how clean their coffee is and how, you know, really the quality of it, which is super interesting. Cause again, we all drink it and something I learned from, from, you know, purity coffee, and Andrew was the fact that most coffee beans are roasted three to four months ago. He's especially Starbucks. Cause think about it. If you really, really think about it, you get your coffee bean, you know, you, maybe you have a ground already, which let's say it is ground. You do get ground coffee from the store. Think about that. When was it, when was it actually like grounded then When was it roasted When was that picked and all the steps in between to get to your fresh cup of coffee
Is it really that fresh?
And that question blew my mind and that kind of insight blew my mind because I didn't think twice about it. And then when you think about when was it roasted, but what's the quality of it? How was that grown? What kind of soil was that you used?
You know, this can be a little bit of a tree hugger or hippie-ish, type of outlook on my coffee, but it's kinda how I have with a lot of stuff that I eat and put in my body.
But the thing is there are actual studies and research that show the reasoning behind this. and I can't go into that type of research cause I don't understand it to the fullest that they do. And honesty would be a disservice to you all, but I'm really, I tell you that you should absolutely check out the podcast that Dr. Cheng Ruan hosted with Andrew.
Have you guys ever had a headache from not having coffee, like a withdrawal?
If so, let me know, put in the comments, but, you know, hit me on a social and, and share that with me.
I can't remember the name of those toxins right now, but they're long, super long words, but what's crazy is just the fact that these things, that, again, we don't recognize when we drink it or even when we're we eat certain foods, but they can affect us and us and us never know it.
Of course, I know that that stuff may come with age, right. But I know I can mitigate a lot of that stuff if I just take care of my health and focus on what I put in and on my body, which I'm growing and learning every single day.
So, I hope to share a lot of that information with you guys. Some of it will be from me, but mostly it's going to be for some amazing people too, that I learned from, because that's how I originally got to the information.
So I hope you're doing good! Again, if you have those answers, share with me.
But, I'm curious, what is it that you're learning in health?
So hope you're all having to go in and talk soon.
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